Benjamin Rouxel


Personnal details

Benjamin Rouxel
French, born in Dinan, July 1986 - 39 years old
E-mail :
PGP : 1024D/86AEFFF1
Fingerprint : 1EDB 94F0 66AD 504C AE6B AD7C F059 CCBB 86AE FFF1
Phone : +33 6 59 81 06 04

Professionnal experiences

Nov 2023/--

Director R&D - StatInf in Paris/Rennes, France

  • Participation in the decisions to develop and expand the activity of the company
  • Direction of the research team, Research & commercial project management

Oct 2021/Nov 2023

Research & development counsultant - MinervaSys in Modena, Italy

  • Various research and development projects including, but limited to, V-TSN, Hypervisor, Real-time Scheduling, DDS
  • Research & Commercial project design and management, Supervision, Consulting

Oct 2021/Nov 2023

Post-Doc - Univeristy of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Hipert lab, Modena, Italy

  • Real-time scheduling, design and implementation of self-driving cars
  • Research & commercial project management, Lab management, Student supervision

Mar 2019/Sep 2021

Post-Doc - Univeristy of Amsterdam, SNE lab, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

  • Real-time scheduling, design and implementation of energy efficient and secure real-time systems
  • Project management, students supervision

Jul 2011/Aug 2013

Web Developer - Society Sogeti in Rennes, France

  • System administrator on Debian server who handle more than 100 requests/seconds
  • B2B web application development and management with a five people team

Dec 2010/Jun 2011

Developer - Society Cordon Electronics in Dinan, France

  • Java begginer by maintening application used to test devices with the speed of 1 per minute
  • ERP-like web tool to follow product on reparation lines located in 7 countries and used by around 1500 employees each day

Oct 2008/Dec 2010

Developer - Society Nameshield in Angers, France

  • Perl expert by designing a full application to manage domain names with all the international domain name registries
  • Perl application conception and development to collect data on many servers to profile clients



PhD in computer science at University of Rennes 1, France

Minimising shared resource contention when scheduling real-time applications on multi-core architectures


MS in computer science at the University of Rennes 1, France

Symbolic Evaluation and x86 Disassembling


Bachelor degree in theoritical computer science - University of Rennes 1, France


Bachelor degree in applied computer science - University of Maine, France


Higher National Diploma in computer science – University Paul Sabatier, France


Higher Leaving Certificate in electronics sciences {with honours} – High school Les Rimains, France



5 months - INRIA-LORIA in the CARTE team

Symbolic Evaluation and X86 disassembling of self-modifying and obfuscated code using a mix of static and dynamic analysis techniques


4 months - INRIA-IRISA in the ALF team

Informations Traceability in Control Flow to Compute WCET with Compiler Optimizations - especially in LLVM


4 months internship – Military base of long island (L'île Longue) in Brest

** Classified **


3 months internship – University of Gödöllö (Hungarie) in the GIS department

C and Fortran tools development to help the labs analysing satellite images

Technical Knowledges

Programming languages: C/C++, Perl, Shell, OCaml, Isabelle/HOL, Java,
PHP4-5, Javascript (Ajax), CSS,
Frameworks : Boost, GTK, Symphony, JQuery
Environnements : Linux,Windows, Apache, Tomcat
Databases : PostgreSQL, MySql, PL/SQL
Writing tools : LaTeX, OpenOffice
Other tools : Netbeans, Eclipse, GIMP , CVS, SVN, GIT

Other informations

Language : french (mother tongue)
english (fluent)
italian (B1)
Other : Travels (Sri-Lanka, Spain, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Hungaria, Lithuania, Scotland, South-Korea, ...)
Dance (rock'n'roll, lindy hop, charleston)
Kayak (5years) – monitoring group up to 5 people on river
Art - ACL Lasophiste